His name is Hermit the Frog ('cause that's what my mom called him last night...lol). And here is my KUB (killer upchuck bucket) conveniently located on my food tray table.
She is my lovely lady in pink every time I need her. I always wondered what those buckets were for, and NOW I know. Needless to say, yesterday was the worst day I've had since I've been here. I didn't even want to move from the bed, I was dozing in and out, but trying to focus on what everyone is saying. Whenever I was alone in the room I would pull the covers up over my head and bury myself in blankets. I was also having blurry vision and feeling shaky, so they put a Scope patch behind my ear and it seems to be helping.
So I actually got through last night drinking 4 bottled waters and recovering from an overwhelming day for me. I got up at 6am to take a shower, had my bed made and I am ready for the world today. I think my body was just telling me to give myself a break on Saturday. Luckily, I wasn't emotionally too down yesterday. I still managed to smile and have conversations and enjoy my visitors. Oh, Friday, during the day, I decided to put all of the cards up on the very teeny board that my bed faces. It cheers me up to constantly be able to see them and know that in every card there are loving messages. On that note, maybe you can enjoy them too.
Oh, Hon. Im so sorry you had a rough day. I wish I could see you. I was starting to worry (more the usual) and was afraid you were feeling really bad. Hang in there, it will be over soon.
Ryan, Dan and his boys are over watching the Super Bowl (I watch the commercials). His wife, Tammy, had to study for a test. The puppies are sleeping in David's lap. David is just smiling, heis a softy.
I sent you a package last week, I hope you got it.
We love and miss you. - Leona
Marizzle -- I'm sending you all my healthy vibes. **get better get better get better** Okay, that should do it! Miss you and love you. Hopefully I will see you soon!
Awwww. I hope your days have been better since. Tried to call you tonight. Will have my cell on me all day at work - feel free to call on it or at 202-857-5665 (desk phone) as my boss is out this week & I've got nothing to do anyway
Hi Marie, Let's see I talked to you this morning. Your bulletin is full of cards and it looks colorful. I have to make more room for more cards. That is great. Your bag of goodies is full and you probably need to share some with your nurses and visitors ha ha! I'm just kidding. You have some adorable stuff animals. It looks you all set. All you need now is get well and keep up your good attitude and your be out of the hospital in no time. I'll see you sometime in the afternoon with your won tun soup for lunch. Love you mom.
hi marie!
my neighbor Jan Hester gave me the link to your blog. I've been reading and wanted to say Hi. You're a brave warrior! I'm keeping you in my prayers for healing.
I had b-cell lymphoma last year and went through CHOP+R chemo (8 treatments). Not a lot of fun, but it’s made me better so I’m not complaining. I, too, lost all my hair and was a sick puppy for most of the summer. When my hair started falling out I shaved my head, too. Much better being bald than having those annoying hairs all over everthing. :-)
You're beautiful, even without your hair. I pray this treatment helps you kick your cancer's ass!
Right now all my tests show my cancer is in remission and I pray it stays that way!
Come and visit my blog if you feel like it. I'll be back here to visit yours soon. My blog is called Join Me on the Path and the it's located at http://joinmeonthepath.typepad.com
Wishing you peace and love,
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad day, we all need rest
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