And I got frustrated with the hair everywhere, so Edith, the lady who comes in and checks my vitals, changes my bed and all that good stuff, shaved my head for me this afternoon. And it feels sooo much better. Now I'll only have very itty-bitty hairs coming out and it won't bother me as bad. Now I'm part of the G.I. Jane club:
Yes, Rob, bald is hawt! hehehe...I feel a lot cleaner and less like a long haired dog that sheds when it blinks. Maybe Mike will bring me back a cowgirl hat from San Antonio to keep my head warm, or entertain everyone :)
GOOD NEWS: The treadmill is fixed and I rocked it tonight! My feet hurt, but the medicine they are giving me made them hurt less, so it was painful, just not as painful as before. Also, I'm still doing really well. The doctors expected me to start feeling really sick 2 days ago and I'm still the little half samoan chuggin' along. I haven't needed nausea medicine since Friday, which I feel is an accomplishment.
Back to the food issue, not only did I not get breakfast, I never got lunch. So at 2 something I went to the food galley to get some V8 Juice and one of the nurses asked if she could help me. I told her I never got lunch, so she ordered me a pepperoni pizza from downstairs (personal sized...not a ginormous one). And then my nurse came in and apologized and said there was a fight outside between the nurses and the dietitians. They told my nurse, ''well, she got her pizza, right? and my nurse was 3 PM...HELLO...what time do you eat lunch? Anyway, so I unknowingly started some drama today. I just wanted some food! The kitchen lady called and made sure I got my food and took my order for dinner. Feeling guilty??? I think the drama has cooled down, though. Which is good because my parents, sister and Doyle & Frannie (my parent's good friends) stopped by not very shortly after. They just finished moving stuff into the house my parent's are renting (which is where I will be when I escape from here), so they all looked tired. It was good to see everyone, though, and now my parents can visit everyday! (or fairly need to go overboard :) ) And thus concludes the end of cancer adventures for the day (I think and hope).
I think everyone will agree, you are one of very few people that can pull off the bald look.
one, I apologize for my boyfriend's insanity... love him anyway. :) two, I was happy to see your bald head yesterday... and you of course! three, I had a nail in my tire last night and had to find someone to fix it at 9:00 PM because for some reason (maybe b/c I was stupid and wrecked my brand new vehicle) my spare tire won't come out from underneath the truck. I think it wants to hibernate FO LIFE! Anywho! Hopefully I'll see you sooner than later. LOVE YOU, baldy!
woow a whole fight started between the hospital staff...that's wild :P
awww you look adorable bald :)
Speedy+Full Recovery!
Ahhh, you look cute! David is jealous. :) Do we need to order you food to have delivered to your room?! At least they brought you something good to eat. When they forgot me they brought me cold potatoes & rubber chicken. It tasted as good as it sounds. Love you, Leona
..I love the new look ;) Bald looks good on you. I think its sexy on you! Those nurses better not mess with you now, b/c you look like you might break out the matrix on them..haha Hope you are better each day & everyday. Stay Strong!! I love you, aunty
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