the stuffed animal meerkat from my parents, so random and so awesome!
Saturday was pretty uneventful for me. I got to spend most of the day with Mike, but he had homework to work on, so we were together...but kinda not. It was still nice to see him, nonetheless. He DID bring me a chicken biscuit for breakfast :) I don't have much of an appetite, though. Eating for me is more of a function than a desire, but at least I'm still eating. I've been having what seemed like random migraines, but I think we just figured out that it's from one of the immuno-suppressant IV drugs they have me on, so I'll get pre-medicated before I receive it from now on. I didn't work out until evening 'cause my legs feel like jello from my counts and energy being low. I had to slow it down just a little bit on the treadmill. I figured it wouldn't be cool and would probably be pretty embarrassing if I passed out or hurt myself because I was pushing too hard. Then I came back and watched Miss America, which was much more modern this year. The speaker dude sucked though. He kept messing up, forgetting who was wasn't pretty.
I got a little nauseous late last night, but I got medicine before I got sick. This morning I had to get platelets again because I only had 5 platelets left in my entire body. I'm still sort of drowsy right now from the benadryl they give me before transfusion. There's really nothing exciting to say at the moment. I'm waiting on Mike to show up and listening to my aunt's playlist on myspace. The doctors have already come through and are really pleased with how well my body seems to be handling everything, so I guess that's good news. My hair is CRAZY right now! Some of it is coming out, but it has grown out to a point where it wants to try to curl, so I look like a hurricane hit me with the hair flipping in various funky directions...oh well, though :) There's no need to impress anybody.
Yeah, I know it's an unbelievably beautiful picture and you just can't take yours eyes off of it...OR it looks like i just woke up 'cause I'm pretty much still in that feeling of waking up. I'll shower at some point :) Oh, and bert bert, the font size is just for you...hahaha! It's called LARGE, which, by the way, is above Normal :)
I'm jealous of your meerkat and you look more like mom in that picture than any other picture I've ever seen. BUT that looks reminds me of the "what? I don't know where I put ___ (fill in the blank with random missing article)"
why are you knocking the hair...thats what mine looks like NOW!!
I like your hairdo. That is the most popular hairstyle of this year, ha ha ha!!! I like your sense of humor. You look sexy on your picture. Love you. Looking forward to exercising with you at your favorite gym. Take care and tell Mike hi.
Hi Marie this is Aunt Jan in Ohio. Please know that even with all that is going on in our life with Donovan's sitaution I pray for your complete recovery several times each day. Love always.
Marie! Thank you so much for posting on Jeramie's Caring Bridge. I have been wondering how you are doing. It sounds like trip two to Cancerland you are fighting like a champ. It's making me think I need to get Jeramie out walking with me. He has lost so much muscle in the past year.
It's nice that you have access to a treadmill. Your blog is great! I am going to subscribe so I can keep up with you, hon.
Big Hugs!
Shave it. Bald is hawt.
I love the hair. it's friggin awesome!
Hang in there! :D
Hi Marie,
I am so glad that you started this blog. I think about you everday and pray that you get well soon. I am so happy that I will be able to keep up with your progess. Tell Mike that Joe and I say hello. We will have to get together for dinner or something after you get out of the hospital -but tell Mike NO Tequila!!!!
Talk to you soon
You are so cute! Mike is a great guy! When all is this is finished and you all have time to spare come and visit and we will have BBQ - just give us notce so we can prepare the BBQ! Love - Leona
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