So, I started out Sunday being fussed at for walking around barefoot, I didn't see the big deal and I wasn't cold. Nonetheless, I put on these great slipper socks? or whatever they are called that I got from Mike's sister, Ashley for Christmas. They're AWESOME. There's about a half inch of fluffiness inside and they make my feet feel sooo good :) I'm having some kind of painful nerve ending issue with the bottom of my feet and palm of my hands, so having these to cushion my feet was a blessing. The doctors said that it's probably from the type of chemo I received, so they put me on some kind of medication that's supposed to help heal them and it seems to be working. My feet aren't painfully on fire anymore. Every time I work out, my feet feel worse and worse, but I'd rather work out and suck it up then get sick because I'm not exercising.
I had a little bit of trouble sleeping last night...I think I was worried about Mike catching his plane to San Antonio. I called him at 4 am to make sure he was good to go :) and he was. I was worrying for nothing. My blood counts came back very low, so I received two blood transfusions and one platelet transfusion today. They had me hooked up like a cyborg woman with all the stuff they were giving me at once, as you can see below. He's my buddy. Wherever I go he's gonna go.
Most of the day kind of passed by with me in a daze. Between the benadryl and nerve ending medicine, I was struggling to stay awake or at least be able to focus. Doing this blog right now is a little challenging for me, but if that's all I can complain about, it's all good. OH, I forgot. I also got mail today, which is sooo exciting! The Benkerts (neighbors and good friends with Mike's family) sent me this little book called Bedside Blessings and it has something inspirational or thoughtful for each day of the year, which is really cool. Plus, it's tiny and cute. I also got a letter from Ashley, Mike's sister, along with a picture of her pet bunny (really really cuddly looking) and a word search...woohooo (how did she know i liked word searches?)!
I'm like a kid in a candy store when it comes to mail. Plus, it's nice to know that people are thinking about me or praying for me, so thank you all for the support. I'm doing really well because I have so much support. Through your thoughts, prayers, emails, messages, phone calls, gifts and cards I have managed to push myself this far. It gives me no reason to give up and every reason to do everything I can to live life fully until I'm gray-headed and playing with grandchildren. I love you all!
You are such an awesome person! Everyday I look forward to reading your blog. It takes a special person like you to put up a blog like this even with your illness!! I applaud you for your strength to share your everyday life with all of us, your determination to be a able to stay healthy, cause I sure couldn't do it, your humor to make us smile & laugh, and your intelligence to put it all together. You ARE Super Woman! Love you, aunty
Thank you for keeping us up to date with everything. We really enjoy reading your blogs. Your strength and positive thinking keeps us sane and helps us get through the hard times with Jaeden.
We continue to pray for you everyday and we look forward to reading your future blogs! Take care and God bless. We love you!
Jason, Angelica & the kids
I like that you're adding art to your posting. Good good. You're coming along nicely :)
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